
UNBOUND Gravel 200

My First Attempt at UNBOUND 200   Get ready to ride Gravel racing is in my opinion one of the coolest experiences and type of racing. Everybody is so chill and laid back, and we are all there to have a good time. Not too long ago I decided to venture to Emporia Kansas to...

Elliot Bach
Preparing for race day in your first Ironman

Elliot Bach, one of our triathlon Pros and coach to several triathletes, has been riding IRWIN's carbon wheels and racing as a Pro for a few years and has a lot of experiences coaching endurance athletes in both full and half-ironman distances. Preparing for race day in your first Ironman It is almost time for...

E Bach 06

Many uncertainties are present right now amid COVID-19, and many people, athletes just like you, are wondering how to stay motivated and focused during this time. With more races being cancelled or postponed daily, it may seem like there is no reason to stay motivated. While this is a difficult time for many, there are...

road bike wheels
Three Tips to Get Back to Training After a Baby

You’ve had your amazing little bean and while you are emotionally, mentally, and a fair amount physically exhausted you’re ready to get back to training.  Or at least I was…. As someone who trained (or worked out) up until basically the moment I went into labor riding my bike for 75 minutes the day I...

Gravel bike wheels
Riding Gravel – A Must Try for Triathletes

Benefits to riding gravel Looking at the title of this article, I’m sure some of you who are triathletes are wondering, “Why in the world would I ride gravel?” The quick answer: There are several benefits to changing it up and hitting the gravel, from a performance standpoint and for contributing to overall fitness. And...

Triathlon wheels
When Is It The Right Time to Do a Full Ironman

Congratulations, you just finished your first triathlon and you are now hooked. You are setting sights onto completing an Ironman. But you are not sure how to train for your first Ironman. We asked Elliot Bach, one of our triathlon Pros and coach to several triathletes to share a few pointers on how to train...

carbon road bike wheels
Continental Grand Prix 5000 Tubeless Tires First Rides and Review

After Chuck's first article on the Conti GP 5000 tires, we knew we had to have him back to write on the GP 5000 TL. If you haven't read the previous article. You can read it here .Chuck Peña is a former weekend warrior racer who now just rides for fun and coffee (as well...

AON DX 38 disc brake wheels

AON DX 38 Carbon Disc Brake Wheelset Review A good carbon fiber wheelset can be the single most important upgrade to a bike. Peloton Magazine just finished their review of the AON DX 38 carbon road disc brake wheelsets, and they are impressed! "The 20mm internal rim width pairs well with a 25mm tire, offering...

gravel bike wheelset
Best Gravel Wheelset: 700C or 650B: Which Size is Right for Me?

What is the best gravel bike wheelset? 700C or 650b? And which size is right for me? These are probably the questions we get asked the most by people looking to get into riding gravel and the easiest answer is… both. Eric Foltz is one of the main contributors to our gravel testing. As one...

road bike wheels
4 Things You Need To Know Before Upgrading To A New Carbon Clincher

There is no denying in the joy in owning a set of carbon fiber wheels but we know upgrading your stock wheels to a carbon clincher can be daunting. So many technical terms, so many choices, so many specifications. Here are 4 things you need to consider before upgrading to a new set of carbon...

AON TLR carbon wheelsets
Learned as a triathlete at road racing

Riding with IRWIN AON carbon fiber wheels Chad DeGange is a Irwin sponsored triathlete who is trying out some road racing this year. Below he shares his experiences and lessons learned as a triathlete dipping his toes into road racing. For triathlon he’s riding the Irwin Aon TLR 60 up front aero bike wheels, and...

carbon fiber road bike wheels
How Can I Fit in Triathlon to My Life

Nathan Turner is an Irwin sponsored, 36 year old age group triathlete, husband, and engineer who has completed over 40 triathlons, including over a dozen 70.3 races. Nathan’s ultimate goal is to complete each and every IM 70.3 in the US at least once. Here Nathan shares his tips for fitting triathlon training into his busy...

carbon fiber clincher wheels
Continental Grand Prix 5000 vs 4000 Comparison

When the Continental Grand Prix 5000 first came out, we knew we had to test it out. So we kindly asked our ambassador Chuck Peña to test out the new tires. Chuck is a former weekend warrior racer who now just rides for fun and coffee, but every once in a while manages to prove...

MTB bike wheels
Never Let A Stumble In The Road Be The End Of The Journey

Irwin ambassador Brenna Irwin  ( yes that is really her name) tells us about how she has worked through her injuries and riding again: 2017 and 2018 were rough years for me. In ‘17 I was walking with my kids on the sidewalk when I was hit by a truck that veered off the street...

carbon fiber wheels
A crazy course preview: Dun Laoghaire 70.3

I’m often asked what I like most about racing, and one of the many reasons is the opportunity I have to meet new and interesting people wherever I go. Case in point: I was recently in Ireland for the Ironman 70.3 Dun Laoghaire Triathlon. In the U.S., the bike portions of 70.3 races tend to...